Fall Color Trends – Drapes and Candle Holders Are Back, But What’s in Style?


Fall color trends are about to begin. The drapes and curtains are coming down for one more season, ushering in a new fall palette of vivid burgundy and deep purples. However, there are no great plans for fall color trends. While most women probably aren’t ready to pack their bags yet, there are some fall essentials that are sure to make any woman feel better about hitting the town in the fall months.

First up in the fall color trends list is the return of vases and bowls. Though these items have been on the fall fashion scene for many years, they are making a strong comeback due to their sheer versatility. They work as a centerpiece for many tables and can even be used as centerpieces if you so choose. If you want to create the fall color trends look with one of these decorative accessories, simply start out with a clear table and then fill it with flowers or fall colored candles. Another ideal fall centerpiece would be to fill a large vase half way up with seasonal foliage. This would look stunning against a white tablecloth and could even work as a very elegant fall wedding centerpiece.

As fall color trends move forward, we are also seeing the return of handbags and shoes. The handmade leather boot is making a big comeback (and a number of celebrities have been spotted wearing them, including Cara Delevingne). And of course, those gorgeous leather gloves are a staple fall wardrobe item. So, when fall hits, make sure your fall coloring wardrobe has what it takes to keep up with the latest in autumn fashion.
